Wednesday, December 29, 2010

New Links, and a New Artistic Hero

Added a couple of links, I think I may need to separate the comics links from other sites at some point, since those seem to be what I'm mostly linking to....

Anyhoo, I added a couple mostly because I wanted to add an amazing artist I was linked to named Daniel Lieske, he has a webcomic called Wormworld Saga which you can find here, along with links to other things such as his blog and his art site.  Only chapter one is up so far, but... but...

Daaah! Oh my gosh! I wish I could be an artist like this guy! It's so beautiful!  The art!  The way you scroll down to read, particularly in the beginning, it's like you're actually moving your head down; looking up at the sky then over the city, then up at the trees then down the path towards the school. And the scenery and lighting... so pretty ;w;

Excuse me while I geek out for a while then fret over my artistic shortcomings TT^TT Must work on use of light and colour!!


Monday, December 27, 2010

Couple of Game Videos...

Must keep up with blog! Raaawr!

I want to keep an eye on this game... It looks pretty cool, if only for the opportunity to create a paradise on earth, admire it for a bit, then plop a volcano down right in the middle.

It reminds me a lot of Black and White though, especially with that tower with the blue flag/symbol hovering over top.

I am also thoroughly addicted to Minecraft videos after a friend of mine shared this one:

Friday, December 24, 2010


A couple of Videos from term 3 at VFS:

My After Effects Final...

And my Classical Animation Final (starring 2 of my Discovery Monsters)

Term 3 is over, Christmas Break! :D

Tuesday, December 14, 2010


Gotta present this morning, my time lapse is taking for freaking ever to export.

So here's my last few sketches:

Wednesday, December 8, 2010


Hmm.... I dunno.... for some reason I get the feeling that several of these colour schemes look like they belong in a rainforest, not a desert...

Oh well, they're not the final ones anyways.

Now I just need to:
~Tweak their designs a little bit
~Make their final colour schemes
~Finish sketching up the dynamic poses
~Do their creature sheets
~Make my process binder
~Finish my powerpoint

Just gotta e like that train; I think I can I think I can I think I can...

Thursday, December 2, 2010

They did the Monster Mash...

I am incredibly tempted to play The Monster Mash during my presentation for Discovery...

Anyhoo, I'm here at school, working on my Discovery PowerPoint, I want to make it look nice, not rush it at the last minute.  Though I have yet to work on my process binder... >_O

I've played around a bit with recording myself working on discovery, but whenever I hit that record button I suddenly just am not happy with what I'm sketching >.<  I'll keep trying and hopefully I'll get enough interesting stuff that maybe I can make a time lapse or something.  I'm seriously considering just dropping the 5th monster and getting to work on finishing up the ones I have and making creature sheets for them, then that way I can make add in a nice dynamic sketch or something on each creature sheet in lieu of shiny final artworks and record myself making said sketches.

Oh yeah, this morning when I booted up my computer to work it was having some issues, so naturally once I got it sorted out I backed up everything I have so far for my discovery project.  It's now at home, on my pen drive, and on my data drive at school, plus I have many of the jpegs posted here, if not the psd files.

I'd say "nothing will destroy my work now!", but I dare not tempt the spiteful computer gods.  Hopefully my back ups will appease them...

Whee~ back to work!

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Pick up the Pace!

Okay, I think I've got a design I'm more or less happy with now, good and ugly!  Top middle's what I going with, just gotta draw the limbs on the other side and ad more scraggly hair and MOAR UGLY!

I love wattles, they're so gross and fun to draw.

Okay, one more to go, possibly 2 if I have time, need to do colour variations and then final creature sheets.  I'm definitely not going to have time for even one shiny final artwork :(  oh well.

I should probably name these guys... but... I dunno...  Normally I like naming my critters, but I'd feel really weird standing up in front of the class saying weird fantasy names; I feel self conscious enough just showing the designs >_O daaaah!

Ah well, back to work!

PS: My final animation for classical is going to be one of these things getting nom'd by the big crocodile monster thing. XP  Hop, hop, SKRAWRK! *nom*