Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Game Design!

Well it looks like I'll get my wish for sketching more often, for my final project I'm teaming up with several classmates to make a game, and I'll be doing a large amount of the concept artwork :D

Farewell sleep, I will miss you during the next few months...

Anyhoo, school is crazy busy right now, besides planning out the final project, I am the production manager for my Freaky 13 group (paperwork, paperwork, paperwork) I have to make a short video with my group for Art and Creativity (which will hopefully be filmed this Friday) I have my life drawing project which keeps getting pushed down on my priority list, I have two 3 page scripts of dialogue due for writing that I need to do (also a group thing BTW) as well as my final script for writing, and I also need to work on my elevator pitch for our Final Project class (way down on my priority list as well....)

I also need to figure things out when it comes to the student loan I'm applying for, and the 2 scholarships I'm applying for.  Meep!  Yet more paperwork >.<

I'm really hoping to get the Women in Games scholarship, it would pay my entire tuition for game design, which would be a load off my mind.  But for the scholarships I need to get 2 letters of reference (I asked 2 of my instructors and they both agreed, which I'm really thankful for) do a synopsis for a game I am passionate about making, and write an open letter explaining why I deserve the scholarship.  I've picked which game idea I'm going with, I just need to flesh it out now, and I have a wordpad document full of brain vomit relating to the letter.  I'm really glad I'm in my Final Project and Career Orientations classes right now, because the things they've taught us about industry expectations and making yourself stand out are really helping, I'm trying to take it all to heart and make my open letter the best it can be.

This past weekend I attended the Game Design Expo with a few friends, it was amazing and I'm so glad I got to go.  I was originally only going to attend the free open house on Sunday, however I wound up getting to go to the Industry Speaker Day of Saturday thanks to a friend :D  I missed the first half because I had to work, but the few talks I got to attend were great, they were very informative and fun.  after the talks there was time to meet and talk with other people attending the event, I just wanted to hide though D:  But we wound up meeting a girl who's going to be in our Game Design class for June.  She fit right into our little group and she wound up hanging out with us for the rest of the weekend and giving input into the game we're making for our final.  Turns out she's my competition for the Women in Games scholarship, but that's okay, I hope one of us wins it :)

On Sunday they announced the Women in Games scholarship, we both picked up the forms and asked our questions.  Then we got to sit in on a few classes, we missed out on the flash gaming class, but the other classes we attended were great.  There were prizes, none of which I won, but my friends won things, including several copies of Halo Reach and some angry birds plushies.  I took a ton of notes and we threw ideas around for our game in between classes, we also met up at a Starbucks afterward and discussed it more.

All in all it was a great weekend.  There were also things scheduled on Friday, however I could not attend as I unfortunately had a class.... :(

Well, I think that's about all for this post, so until later :P

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