Sunday, January 16, 2011

Sketching is Required...

I'm not drawing as much as I used to as of late.  School, homework, and just plain old work take up most of my time, and when I do have down time I'm not spending it sketching, I'm usually watching videos and goofing around on the internet or playing video games.

The most I seem to be stretching my drawing muscles is when I doodle on my notes in class, which is fun and useful but it's really not cutting it...  hopefully my Life Drawing project will change this a little bit like Discovery did last term, but I feel like it's not enough.  I'm seriously considering taking the Sketch a Day challenge; I mean, I have this blog right here that can easily be converted into a sketch blog, but I worry a bit I won't stick with it.

What I really want to do is a nice, shiny, completed artwork, but daily sketches would really be much more beneficial.


Anyhoo, another link!  A wonderful little comic called: Knite

I love the style of this comic and the message, it's about a boy in china who flies kites with lights attached to try to put the stars back in the night sky, as the air is so polluted the stars cannot be seen.  Once again I love the use of colour and it makes me fret about my own shortcomings in this area (but in a good way).  It currently has 3 chapters and 2 Omakes.  It is done as a flash file with some slight animation, which gives it a very cinematic feel, so awesome!