Monday, February 7, 2011


I am so absoultly tired, I can't believe it.  If my train of thought seems to go crashing off the tracks more than usual in this post, blame it on sleep deprivation.  Ah well, it's good practice for my next 2 terms.

This past weekend my freaky 13 group filmed, my apartment was taken over by lighting equipment and we splattered fake blood all over my kitchen floor, ordered pizza and pulled out a large amount of our own hair trying to figure out how to light in the tiny space that makes up my kitchen and bathroom.  It was great fun, but also very exhausting and frustrating at times.  Now we're into post production, I hope everything turns out nicely :)  But shooting late into the night, then getting up early for work, then heading straight home to continue shooting.... very tiring.  I have some homework I should work on, but right now I think I'm just going to update my homework list, work out my priorities for what I should work on when and hit the hay, give myself one day of rest before jumping back into work.

Today my final project group had a meeting with a member of the game design staff about our game, he was very helpful and nice, and brought in the level design teacher (whose level design sample class I attended at the game design expo) to speak with us a little bit.  He even talked to me a little bit about the scholarships I am applying for and wished me luck.  I also wound up getting a third letter of reference from the program manager of Foundations, I expressed some worry about giving the scholarship committees more than they ask for, as I know they have a lot of applications to go through and I don't want to take up their time, but he told me not to worry about that.  All this just makes me even more determined to find some way to pay my tuition, I will figure something out.

After the talk with the game design staff we headed back to school, popped into the coffee shop and met up with a member of our group who couldn't make it to the meeting, we filled him in on what we had talked about.  After that I wound up spending a good chunk of time sketching out some really rough concept art for a personal project of his, which was quite fun, looks like I don't have to worry anymore about my drawing skills stagnating.

Well, I think I'm going to end this post here, I should probably get some rest, tomorrow will be another busy day.

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