Monday, November 22, 2010

When Your First Job is Shepherding Giant Rodents...

Livestock!  Innit just the most adorable giant rodent thing you've ever seen?

Yeah, these creatures would more or less fill the role of goats basically, providing a source of meat and pelts.  They could be found in villages in the game and in the wild as a low level, non-aggressive enemy to slaughter to your heart's content for loot and exp.  Originally I was going to go for a design more like what you see in the upper right corner, which is heavily based on a cama, however while doodling in class I sketched something that look like a cross between a dik-dik and a shrew, so here we have a hyracotherium-capybara-elephant shrew-goat-type thing....  It may or may not gain horns at a later date.  Also, I may change it's feet to be slightly more hoof-like.

Socially it fills the role of livestock, but biologically it's more like a rodent, so yeah... givin' the capybara a run for it's money as the largest rodent around.

The sketch in the upper left corner is-obviously- a camel, it was the first thing I sketched when starting my discovery project, when I was trying to think of ideas for the pack animal and the livestock

Sorry there aren't more doodles, I actually didn't do as many for the livestock animal, and the others aren't even unrefined sketches, they're half drawn, half designed creatures that were quickly abandoned.

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