Thursday, March 24, 2011

Texturing and More

I have faced the beast known as texturing and come out wiser and better for it.

It isn't too difficult to do, it just requires a lot of patience to do it well.  Unwrapping, sewing edges, making sure the texture won't distort.  I had the unfortunate lack of foresight to make my model a Hork Bajir rather than the human we were supposed to be modeling, and it's legs were... an absolute mess to deal with.  I had to go back to them after I had more of a handle on it.

It's definitely something useful to practice, however, I'd also really like to get into actually painting textures.  I think it will likely frustrate me a lot at first, but there's quite a bit of power in texturing and it's a skill I'd like to have.

Might be good to look into it more for our final project and get some practice in.

In other, slightly outdated news, a few weeks ago I purchased both Pokemon White and Dragon Age II, and I have to say I'm enjoying both quite a bit though I feel a bit guilty for starting on Dragon Age II while my copy of Dragon Age: Awakenings that I got for Christmas is still sitting there in the plastic.... probably feeling very unloved.

I'm not particularly far in either due to dividing the little gaming time I have between the two of them, however they're both quite enjoyable so far.  Dragon Age II still feels quite buggy and slightly unpolished however, but it's great fun, I love the characters just as much as I loved the cast from Dragon Age Origins, and gray morality!!  Thank you Bioware for making me think beyond "Do I want to be evil or good this time around?".  I also like the fact that the dialogue options have tone indication, you can be blunt and forceful or lighthearted and sarcastic, or diplomatic and pacifying.

And pokemon... goodness, every time a new game comes out I go on such a pokemon binge.  It is my guilty pleasure, I admit it, but I just love the series.  I grabbed the oshawott, named him Derpymaru, evolved him into a dewott and I'm currently looking for an everstone to prevent him from becoming a samurott (I like dewott's design much more).  I still love pokemon after all these years, but I have noticed their designs seem to have gotten unnecessarily complicated over the years, they were much simpler in the beginning in general, nowadays they have so much extra crap on them.

Anyways, I suppose it's time to wrap this up.  To end things off, I'll leave you with this trailer for an upcoming movie...  It may be of interest to you, after all future events such as these will affect you in the future :P

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