Saturday, December 31, 2011

A Fond and Reluctant Farewell

Just one day shy of a year ago, I posted my farewell to 2010, and my hope that 2011 would be even greater than that amazing year.

Today, in my final post of 2011, I'm grateful that I'm able to say that it was.

While this New Years isn't spent in company of friends, I am with family, and through the magic of the internet I have the digital presence of my friends (does that count?  I hope it does...)

Goodbye 2011, I will remember you fondly.  You've been good to me, and I'll miss you greatly come tomorrow.

Yet with the start of this new year I will be heading into my final project here in VFS' Game Design program.  And, if I am fortunate, I may be taking my first steps into my career as a game designer.

...Is it too much to hope for that 2012 will be even better?

Friday, December 23, 2011

Sprucing commence-eth!

I stated a while back that this place could use some sprucing up. and I've finally gotten around to it.  Figured I'd try something a little bit lighter this time.

Clouds are really fun to paint.

I think airships are required....


Wednesday, December 21, 2011

A Month...

...without updating.  Whoops.

Well, I've finished term 3 and am enjoying my winter break before starting term 4 and *gasp* final project! O^O!!!!!

I've grouped up with 4 other students in my class and since we're all staying in Vancouver for the holidays we've met up a couple of times to chat and brainstorm a bit before the next term starts.  Apparently we need 3 ideas to pitch to our mentors and get their feedback, so we're aiming to get about 6 basic ideas, then pick 3 and flesh them out.

Besides that, my break is consisting largely of work (extra shifts = more monies so Kimmy can stay warm and full over the next few months) and exploring the frozen, north edge of the world at the rim of the sky to face down giant fire breathing monstrosities with magic, steel, and voice; in other words: playing Skyrim! Mwee~ >w<

I am a Breton who favors conjuring and one armed weapons, with a little bit of archery for hunting :P  But I'm thinking of making a second character to just run around and steal ALL THE THINGS, with the goal of simply being filthy stinking rich by any means necessary.  Most likely either a Khajiit or a Dunmer.

I've noticed something though, in open world games like Skyrim or Red Dead Redemption, my favourite thing to do tends to be hunting.  Seriously, anywhere I go is littered with the bodies of hundreds of innocent forest critters, their corpses ransacked for anything of use or value.  I waste waaaay too much time chasing deer.  I think maybe that's why games such as Lost in Blue, Minecraft, or Monster Hunter appeal to me; I really like hunting things down and scavenging for things to use for survival.  Give me a game where I gut a wolf and use its hide to make a sleigh to carry mushrooms, eggs, and various small game back to my makeshift home in the middle of a vast world to explore full of lore and history and I am happy.

Maybe it just boils down to "I <3 looting"?

In other news, I've been messing around in Maya.  I'm going to be doing a lot of art over the next several months, so I can definitely use the modelling  practice.  I'm just making random things and keeping everything relatively simple and low poly, so hopefully I'll be able to take at least some of it to use as a starting point for various assets in whatever game my group ends up making.

Well... that's all I can think of to say at the moment.  So have some links.

Bird Boy - A fantastic webcomic set in a unique world full of puppetlike beasts
Rice Boy - A great site with 3 wonderful webcomics.  I definitely recommend Vattu.
Etymology Dictionary - Ever wondered about the origin of certain words or sayings?
Behind the Name - Similar to the above, but specifically for names.  Great for character naming.

Also, the Hobbit.

P.S., I'm trying this new thing where I link to games that I mention rather than just taking it as a given that people will know of them or will Google them.  Good idea?  Bad idea?