3 months without a post? Oh dear... I'd say I had nothing to write about, but that would be a complete lie.
My group finished our final project, it was crazy and towards the end it was kicking out butts, but we got it done and we learned a lot. If anybody's interested, here's a link to where you can download it (fair warning: it's not very good, just the name should tip you off :P )
After that, well... I started Game Design! :D!! I'm currently writing this from Game Design Classroom 1. Apparently they want us to create a blog for school, surprise! How prepared I am.
Other things that have happened since my last post
-I didn't win the Women in Games scholarship, but I managed to get everything sorted out so I could come anyways, and the person who did win seems like she deserves it :)
-Jumped on a Minecraft server with my friends, it's super fun and I hope some of our class will join us. Can't wait for 1.8! Adventure Update!
-May have to leave my job depending on the workload I have for class :(
-Learning programming, yay!
-Have to create a board game for school
-Very, very tired --.--
Also, we have to create a flash portfolio site for class as well. Once I have that up and running I'll be linking it here.
Hmm.... this place could do with a bit of sprucing up I think, maybe I'll tweak things a tad.
Great that you enjoy Game Design program!!