Saturday, October 8, 2011


Wow, only 1 week between posts?  Maybe I can get back into the habit of posting these....

The end of term 2 is insane.  We have so many projects; Flash, a Team Management group project, a reverse engineering group project, a Deathmatch level in UDK, our final Concept Doc & pitch, and our final weekly assignment for critical analysis.  So much work!

Today was spent almost entirely working on the level for our flash game.  I was hoping to finish up one more enemy this weekend too, but I don't know if that's going to happen.

I said I'd post more about our Flash game when I had the time and motivation, but I only feel half up to it.  So how about I just sum up our Flash game in a nutshell?  You are a rogue, you've found a mystical artifact, you fight zombie golem things in a cave.  Here, have some screenshots:

 Level's still in progress.  Hopefully there will be a boss fight at the end, but the deadline is coming up fast.

In other news, Monday is Thanksgiving!  But I'll likely be spending it at school working on my deathmatch level.  I might bake cookies for a potluck that's going on at school though, we'll have to see if I have the time/energy for it.

Anyhoo, I suppose I'll do a bit more work and hit the hay, g'night.

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