Saturday, October 1, 2011

Game Design Wisdom

Regular posting fail.

Term 2 is barreling to a close and things are hectic, so this'll be just a quick post.  Must work on Flash game!  More on that later when I have the time and motivation... which may not come until the end of the term.

We have a lot of papers we have to write this term; mostly concept docs and critical analyses of games.  These assignments are incredibly helpful though, picking apart games is fun and useful and knowing how to use language to its full potential will help you no matter what field you work in.  Also being able to write an awesome concept document so you can pitch a game is invaluable.

This term also seems full of nuggets of wisdom, three of which I really don't want to forget.

1.  No IP is bad.
2.  No mater what IP you're forced to work with, make the game you want to make and make it good.
3. Saying "I want to work at _____ studio" is different from saying "I want to be good enough to work at ____ studio"

The third one really stuck with me.  I want to be good enough to work at the studios I respect and admire the most; even if I don't end up working there.

Gaaah!  That thought makes me want to draw!!

Back to work!

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